Tampa Bay RIMS Announces Metropolitan Ministries as its Charity for 2016
Tampa Bay RIMS is pleased to announce that we have chosen Metropolitan Ministries as our charity for our December Holiday Luncheon/Raffle Event, which is scheduled to take place on December 14, 2016 at the Marriott St. Petersburg/Clearwater beginning at 11:30 am. With the help of our generous vendors and members, we gather donations to include in our annual raffle. We then ask every attendee to purchase raffle tickets and help raise money for our charity. For every dollar raised, Tampa Bay RIMS will match and donate to Metropolitan Ministries on behalf of the entire Tampa Bay RIMS Chapter. Check our Home Page in late November for details on how to register.
This meeting has always been a fun and successful event for Tampa Bay RIMS and we hope you will be able to join us!!
To learn more about Metropolitan Ministries and various ways you and/or your company can volunteer, download the file listed under "Recently Shared Files" on our home page.